The Essential Pumpkin-Carving Toolkit

J. Kenji López-Alt
Kenji Lopez Alt
Culinary Consultant
Kenji is the former culinary director for Serious Eats and a current culinary consultant for the site. He is also a New York Times food columnist and the author of The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science.
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Updated August 10, 2018
J. Kenji López-Alt

Want to up your pumpkin-carving game this year? We're here to help, beginning with this guide to essential pumpkin-carving equipment.

Here's what you'll need, beyond a standard chef's knife to cut your lid.

A Stiff Metal Spoon

Before you can begin carving and detailing, you'll need to scrape out the interior of the carving face to a relatively thin, even thickness. About three-quarters of an inch is ideal. Forget the dinky plastic spoons that are marketed this time of year as pumpkin scrapers. Instead, stick with a stiff stainless steel serving spoon. You can go fancy with something like this Cuisinart stainless steel serving spoon, or just do what I did and get a generic one for about $5 at any kitchen supply store. Choke up on the handle until your hand is basically touching the bowled end, and scrape away pumpkin flesh in record time.

A Wooden Skewer, Tape, and a Sharpie

For advanced pumpkins, the best way to guarantee success is to first get your design on paper, tape or pin the paper to the face of your pumpkin, and transfer your pattern by poking through the paper and the pumpkin's skin with a wooden skewer (or a tack, or a tool from one of those kits specifically designed for this sort of job). After that, I go over my cut lines with a fine-tipped Sharpie to sketch out the design before I take a knife to it and pass the point of no return.

Carving Saws in Multiple Sizes

They can be finicky, and have a tendency to snap off near the handle if you aren't careful with them, but I've yet to find a better set of pumpkin-carving saws than the Pumpkin Carving Kit from Pumpkin Masters. They come in multiple sizes: large for blocking out your rough design, and small for more detailed work. If you can find the knives on sale individually, you'll save a couple of bucks (the scooper tool that the kit comes with is essentially worthless), but even the full kit ain't a bad deal.

An X-Acto Knife

For the truly detail-oriented carver, an X-Acto knife set is the only way to do ultra-fine work, like hair, eyes, wrinkles, or teeth. (They're also super handy for a whole bunch of other culinary uses.) The classic aluminum-shafted model with replaceable blades will do. Just be sure not to try this with a clumsy box cutter, or you may end up accidentally carving yourself instead.

Plastic Wrap and Vaseline

Pumpkins start losing moisture as soon as you cut them open. As the pumpkin loses water, its structure collapses, causing droops and wrinkles in your design. That perfect likeness of Harry Potter can end up looking like Dumbledore just 24 hours later. Coating your cut surfaces with a thin layer of Vaseline and covering the pattern with plastic wrap (on both sides!) will keep the forces of nature at bay until you're ready to display.

Pro tip: If all else fails and your pumpkin still wrinkles and shrivels, submerge the whole thing in a large bucket or bathtub filled with water for six to eight hours. It should perk right up.

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