Gluten-Free Flour Tortillas Recipe

These chewy and bendable tortillas are the perfect starting point for a dizzying variety of toppings and dishes.

Elizabeth Barbone
Elizabeth Barbone: Contributing Writer at Serious Eats
Elizabeth Barbone develops delicious and creative recipes for the food allergic and gluten-free communities through her site Gluten-Free Baking. Author of three cookbooks: Easy Gluten-Free Baking (2009), How to Cook Gluten-Free (2012), and The World's Easiest Paleo Baking (2016).
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Updated May 30, 2024
Finished gluten-free tortillas on a plate. A dish towel is nearby to cover the tortillas and keep them warm.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

Why It Works

  • Xanthan gum and tapioca starch give the tortillas their resilient, bendable structure.
  • Adding water gradually and as needed is the only way to ensure the dough is at the perfect hydration.
  • Lining the press and then flouring it keeps the dough from sticking.

While corn tortillas are great and usually gluten-free, sometimes I just want a flour tortilla. Flour tortillas are essentially unleavened bread, and like any gluten-free bread, they require a little know-how to get right. The reward however is more than worth the effort. This recipe makes a flour tortilla that's chewy, bendable, and a perfect base for any fillings on top.

For standard white flour tortillas, I use a blend of white rice flour and tapioca starch. If you want whole-grain tortillas, replace the white rice flour with a gluten-free whole-grain flour, such as brown rice flour, sorghum flour, or a combination of your favorites. While you can tinker with the white rice flour, you'll want to leave the tapioca starch and xanthan gum alone. These two ingredients combine to give the tortillas chew and foldability.

Snapping Your Larded Fingers

Two spoonfuls of lard have been added to a mixing bowl with the dry ingredients for gluten-free tortillas.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

While these tortillas are gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, and corn-free, they aren't fat-free. And that's a good thing. Without fat, the tortillas are unpleasantly dry and flat. A mere two tablespoons of lard or vegetable shortening adds a subtle flavor and a pleasant texture to the tortillas.

Using your hands, work the lard or shortening into the flour. You don't want any large pieces of shortening in the flour. To achieve this, work the shortening into the flour with movements similar to snapping your fingers.

Dialing In the Hydration

Flour is added to the mixing bowl.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

Once you've cut the shortening into the flour, it's time to add water. And here's where the recipe gets just a little tricky. The biggest variable in this recipe is water. During development, the tortillas used between 3/4 to 1 cup of water. Over time, I found it was best to start the batch by adding a half cup of cold water. Using cold water keeps the shortening in little pieces, instead of melting it. When the cold shortening bits hit the hot pan, they give off steam and help the tortilla to puff nicely.

The dough for gluten-free tortillas, partially mixed.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

Stir together the dough with a wooden spoon. With just a half cup water, the dough will be dry. Very dry. This is normal. Once the dough has absorbed the first half cup of water, add more water, about 1/4 cup at first, until the dough just begins to come together. As soon as you see the dough coming together, stop adding water. (If you use whole grain flours, you might need even more water than 1 cup.) It's best to go by sight and feel. The dough should be wet but not loose. It's better to stop before you add too much water than have a dough that's so wet it resembles a cookie dough.

Kneading and Final Adjustments

Closeup of the kneaded tortilla dough.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

Now the fun really begins. It's time to knead the dough. That's right. This gluten-free dough can be kneaded! To prevent the dough from sticking to your countertop, generously flour your counter. Turn dough, and any dry ingredients that are left in the bowl, onto the counter.

A dough ball for gluten-free tortillas, kneaded and ready to roll out and shape.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

Knead the dough until it holds together and becomes smooth. That's it! During the kneading process you get to make the necessary adjustments to the dough. If the dough seems wet, knead a bit (as much as needed, start with a tablespoon) of flour into the dough. If the dough seems dry (it falls apart or doesn't form a cohesive ball) add a splash (about one tablespoon) of water. The finished dough should feel like damp Play Doh. Pinch off a tablespoon or two of dough. Round it into a ball between your hands. It shouldn't stick. Cover the dough with plastic wrap, to prevent a skin from forming on the dough, and keep it covered while you form the tortillas.

Forming the Tortillas

A ziptop bag-lined and floured tortilla press.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

While developing I had trouble with the dough sticking to the tortilla press. Even after using Kenji's trick of lining the press with a plastic bag, the dough stuck! I found I needed to generously rice flour the plastic before pressing each tortilla. This is key.

If you don't have a tortilla press, follow Kenji's guide for using a skillet as a tortilla press.

Author peels the plastic from one side of a tortilla.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

Once you've squished the dough between either the tortilla press or under a skillet, slowly and gently pull the plastic bag off the tortilla.

Author lifts tortilla, separating it from the plastic lining.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

Pull the bottom piece off the tortilla by gently lifting the tortilla into your hands and pulling the bag away. The tortilla should be nice and thin.

Author holds up a finished tortilla for the camera.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

If your tortilla comes out of the press a little thicker than you'd like, return it to the plastic bag, and dust it with white rice flour. Even though you've already floured the plastic bag, removing the tortilla from the bag and adding more flour keeps it from sticking to the bag as you roll.

Author rolls out a thick tortilla with a rolling pin.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

Getting Your Skillet Hot (But Not Too Hot)

Place the tortilla into a hot, lightly smoking, ungreased cast iron skillet. Getting the heat of the skillet just right is important. 

A perfectly cooked tortilla, with a moderate amount of browning.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

This tortilla cooked in a skillet that was perfectly heated. The skillet just began smoking lightly.

A pale, sad tortilla.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

This tortilla was cooked in a cool skillet. It's so anemic! The skillet was hot but wasn't smoking at all.

A sad, heavily charred tortilla.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

And this tortilla cooked in a skillet that was too hot. When the tortilla hit the skillet, the pan was on the verge of smoking heavily.

In any case, even if you have the heat of the pan locked in, keep in mind that the second side doesn't take as long to cook and won't get as brown. Cooking the second side for just a minute or two helps keep the tortilla soft and pliable.

Author covers cooked tortillas with a patterned dish towel.

Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

When the tortillas come out of the skillet, they might be a little crisp. That's fine. Transfer them immediately to a plate and cover with a clean, dry kitchen towel. The steam coming off the tortillas softens them up after a minute or so.

May 2012

Recipe Details

Gluten-Free Flour Tortillas Recipe

Prep 15 mins
Cook 55 mins
Active About 40 mins
Total 70 mins
Makes 12 tortillas


  • 1 1/2 cups (about 6 ounces) white rice flour, plus additional for kneading and rolling tortillas (see note)
  • 1/2 cup (about 2 ounces) tapioca starch
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon xanthan gum
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons lard or vegetable shortening
  • 3/4 cup cold water, plus more as needed


  1. Whisk together white rice flour, tapioca starch, granulated sugar, xanthan gum, baking powder, and salt. Using your hands, cut shortening into flour with a motion that's similar to snapping. No large pieces of shortening should remain.

    Lard is worked into the dry ingredients by hand for gluten-free tortillas.

    Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

  2. Add 1/2 cup water. Stir into dough using a wooden spoon. Dough will be dry. Add additional 1/4 cup water. Stir. If dough begins to hold together, stop. If dough remains dry, add water, 2 tablespoons at a time, until it beings to hold together but isn't wet. It's a good idea to feel the dough as you add the water. It should feel damp, not wet.

    Closeup of the dough for the tortillas beginning to form.

    Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

  3. Turn dough onto generously white rice floured countertop. Begin to knead dough until it's smooth. It should not stick to your hands nor should it be wet. If the dough seems dry, add a tablespoon of water. If the dough is too wet, knead in additional flour. To test the consistency, pinch off a generous tablespoon and roll it between your palms. The dough should form a ball easily and not stick to your hands. Cover dough with plastic wrap.

    The finished tortilla dough ball, covered in plastic wrap.

    Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

  4. Heat 10-inch cast iron skillet over medium heat. Line a tortilla press with a plastic bag that you've cut open on two sides. Flour the plastic bag with white rice flour. Pinch off about two tablespoons of dough. Roll into a ball and place in tortilla press. Flatten dough in the press. Remove. If dough seems thick, peel back the plastic bag from the tortilla, dust with a little additional white rice flour, cover and roll out slightly.

    Author holds up a finished tortilla for the camera.

    Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

  5. Increase skillet heat to high. Heat until skillet begins to smoke lightly. Remove tortilla from plastic bag. Place in hot skillet. Cook for about 3 minutes. Tortilla should be lightly brown. (As your first tortilla cooks, begin pressing out the next tortilla.) Flip and cook for an additional 1 or 2 minutes. Immediately transfer hot tortilla to a plate. Cover with a towel. Repeat process until all dough is used.

    A tortilla round, cooking on a skillet.

    Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

  6. Tortillas are best served right away. However, they can be stored overnight in a sealed plastic bag. Heat before serving to soften.

    Finished gluten-free tortillas on a plate. A dish towel is nearby to cover the tortillas and keep them warm.

    Serious Eats / Elizabeth Barbone

Special Equipment

10-inch cast iron skillet or griddle; tortilla press; rolling pin (optional)


For whole-grain tortillas, replace the white rice flour with a gluten-free whole-grain flour, such as brown rice flour, sorghum flour, or a combination.

Make-Ahead and Storage

Cooled tortillas can be stored overnight in a sealed plastic bag.

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