Homemade Egg McMuffin Recipe

We improve on McDonald's classic Egg McMuffin by revisiting each individual component.

J. Kenji López-Alt
Kenji Lopez Alt
Culinary Consultant
Kenji is the former culinary director for Serious Eats and a current culinary consultant for the site. He is also a New York Times food columnist and the author of The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science.
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Updated September 15, 2022

Why It Works

  • Cooking the English muffins and Canadian bacon in butter adds texture and flavor.
  • Cooking the egg in an overturned Mason jar lid gives you a perfectly sized round egg with a tender steamed texture.
  • Wrapping the sandwich after stacking allows residual heat to melt the cheese and soften the English muffin with steam.

One of McDonald’s biggest moments was when it announced it would serve breakfast all day, a fact that gave me and my ilk an excuse to nurse hangovers with steamed egg patties and soft English muffins well into the afternoon. But there was a time when fast food breakfast wasn't just unavailable after 10 a.m.—it was unavailable, period.

A cooked homemade Egg McMuffin, split in half and wrapped in aluminum foil.

Serious Eats / Julia Estrada

Even McDonald's owner Ray Kroc was skeptical of the concept. Here's what he had to say in his autobiography, Grinding It Out, when a local franchise owner tried to convince him that a breakfast sandwich was a good idea.

"He didn't want me to reject it out of hand, which I might have done, because it was a crazy idea—a breakfast sandwich. It consisted of an egg that had been formed in a Teflon circle, with the yolk broken, and was dressed with a slice of cheese and a slice of grilled Canadian bacon. This was served open-faced on a toasted and buttered English muffin. I boggled a bit at the presentation. But then I tasted it, and I was sold. Wow!"

Despite Kroc's unfamiliarity, breakfast sandwiches weren't invented by McDonald's. There are references to fried eggs served in soft rolls as a worker's breakfast dating back to the 19th century. But McDonald's certainly popularized it for the drive-thru patron. According to a 1981 Time article, breakfast accounted for 18% of McDonald's sales by that year, a level of success that opened the floodgates for every other fast food franchise to start serving breakfast. (The same article also announced the first appearance of the McRib sandwich, which is another recipe for another time.) These days, the Egg McMuffin is more than a sandwich; it's a cultural icon.

But, for all its recognition and all that it gets right, a little time and effort can make it even better. Here's how I make mine. Hopefully, we'll learn some lessons that can be applied to all breakfast sandwiches, not just Egg McMuffin clones.

Egg McMuffin Improvement #1: The Ingredients

Copycat Egg McMuffin ingredients: an English muffin, Canadian bacon and an egg
Homemade Egg McMuffin ingredients.

Serious Eats

The first step to a better sandwich is better ingredients. An Egg McMuffin has four:

  • A standard-issue, soft English muffin
  • A factory-farmed egg
  • A slice of perfectly round Canadian bacon
  • A slice of orange American cheese

I started by replacing the English muffins with super high-end English muffins from The Model Bakery in Northern California (the single greatest English muffin in the history of the world), but they were simply too good. The McMuffin lost its essential McMuffininess. Instead, I used a good quality supermarket brand.

The eggs were an easy upgrade. Although I know that in blind taste tests, factory-farmed eggs are indistinguishable from "better" eggs (even those laid in your own backyard), but simply knowing my eggs are coming from chickens that are treated well is enough to make them taste better to me.

Canadian bacon is essentially cured pork loin that has been sliced. The stuff McDonald's uses is perfectly round, which means it's probably more like chopped-and-formed ham. It lacks the meaty bite of real Canadian bacon. Look for stuff that is sliced from whole pork loins, which has the added benefit of providing a little ring of fat around the outside that crisps up as you fry it.

Finally, for the cheese: American works great and is hard to improve upon for a sandwich like this in which the primary goal is easy meltability, but if you want a little more flavor, a slice of cheddar, Swiss, or jack (especially pepper jack) will do. Remember: firmer, drier cheese doesn't melt as well. Plan accordingly.

Egg McMuffin Improvement #2: Toasting the Muffin

Pressing down the English muffin while it toasts for a homemade Egg McMuffin
Gently pressing and moving the English muffin while it toasts results in even browning.

Serious Eats

McDonald's English muffins aren't bad per se, but there are few things in life that can't be improved with more butter and more browning. I tested toasting English muffins through various methods, including in a toaster, under a broiler, and directly over a gas flame. The best way to prepare one for a sandwich is to lightly butter the surface, then place it face down in a moderately hot nonstick or cast iron skillet.

The real key is you can't just leave it there. If you do, as it heats up, the outer edges will contract, causing the English muffin to cup upwards and away from the pan. You end up with a muffin that is toasted only around the outside edges. For optimal browning (and therefore optimal flavor and structure), you must gently press down on the center of the muffin halves as they toast, rotating and swirling them around.

A nice, even golden brown is what you're after, and moderately low heat with plenty of motion is the way to get there. (This is the same method I use for grilled cheese sandwiches.)

Egg McMuffin Improvement #3: Browning the Canadian Bacon

A slice of Canadian bacon in a pan, ready to go on a homemade Egg McMuffin
Browning a slice of real Canadian bacon in a cast iron skillet.

Serious Eats

The Canadian bacon disk in a McMuffin tastes like it's been warmed over and placed in a plastic tray to rest. I have a good guess as to why. I prefer to fry my Canadian bacon in butter, giving it color and crispness on the edges.

Egg McMuffin Improvement #4: Better Egg-Cooking Technique

Now, here's where things got tricky. I wanted to make sure that my eggs were cooked better than they would be on a traditional Egg McMuffin, but I didn't want to lose any of the qualities that give the McMuffin its characteristic appearance and flavor. That meant that a few of my earlier iterations, runny fried or poached eggs, didn't work. I tried placing a ring mold directly into my skillet, using it to help the eggs keep their shape as they cooked (this is similar to how McDonald's does it in-store) but it was difficult to get them to cook evenly without browning. McMuffin eggs should be tender and white on both sides. I also tried microwaving eggs in ramekins, both with and without additional water. This was moderately successful, but it was difficult to nail the right consistency. (The eggs went straight from perfectly done to rubbery and overcooked.)

The ring mold technique is similar to how dozens of blogs advise you to cook eggs, recommending that you use the screw ring from a quart-sized, wide-mouth Mason jar in lieu of a ring mold. This got me thinking: Instead of just using the screw ring, why not use the entire lid?

This was the solution I was looking for. By placing the lid and screw ring of a Mason jar upside down in a skillet, I had a perfect English muffin–sized mold in which to cook my egg. Moreover, because the egg never comes into direct contact with the bottom of the pan, it stays tender and white as it cooks.

To do this, place the lid in the skillet, coat the inside with nonstick cooking spray, and break an egg into it, poking the yolk once to break it (otherwise, it stands too tall and ends up too liquid-y in the finished sandwich). Add water to the pan and cover the pan with a lid. The water creates steam, which helps the top of the egg cook and keeps the egg tender and moist. As Mason jars are used for high-temperature canning in a pressure cooker, I had confidence it would be safe to cook with them in a pan of simmering water.

About two minutes later, the egg is cooked. Slide it out onto a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. Ideally, the egg will be cooked all the way through, but still have a tender yolk. (McDonald's typically prefers to take its egg yolks to the crumbly stage.)

Removing the Mason jar lid ring from a cooked egg.

Serious Eats

The ring and the top of the Mason jar lid should slip right off, whereupon you must immediately start assembling your sandwich. That brings us to...

Egg McMuffin Improvements #5 and #6: Assembly and Preheating

If there is one true flaw in the way the Egg McMuffin is presented, it's the stacking order. McDonald's serves its sandwiches with cheese on the bottom, followed by the egg, followed by the Canadian bacon.* I never understood this stacking order. Shouldn't the cheese be at the top, where the heat rising from the egg and bacon will help it melt better? Don't you want those cheese corners draped around the other fillings to bind them as a cohesive whole, rather than sticking out of the bottom of the sandwich, as firm and stiff as the resolve of a McDonald's manager telling a pre–October 2015 patron, "I'm sorry, but we're no longer serving breakfast"?

*And before you wise guys point out that maybe I'm eating it upside down, McDonald's actually displays the sandwiches this way in menus and advertising.

Think about it: Would you place the cheese underneath the beef in a cheeseburger? (It is telling that the only burger I've ever seen pull this move is the Big Mac.) I've heard various explanations as to why the sandwich is stacked this way. Better cheese-to-tongue contact, maybe, though I don't see why you'd want the cheese to touch your tongue before the egg or the bacon. Perhaps it's an artifact of the ordering of the assembly line at McDonald's, maybe the cheese dispenser simply comes before the egg-warmer as the sandwich is made? But this wouldn't explain why other McDonald's breakfast sandwiches are stacked with cheese on top.

A copycat Egg McMuffin, made at home and cut in half.

Serious Eats

Whatever the reasoning, let us all agree on one thing: It is a mistake, and one that is easy to rectify. I stack my McMuffin with the bacon on the bottom, followed by the egg and, finally, the cheese.

Once the sandwich is stacked, it may seem like it's ready for eating, but it's not. As anyone who has ordered an egg sandwich at the corner bodega can tell you, something magical happens between the time the cook pulls the sandwich off the griddle and the time you pull it back out in the street, unwrap it, and start eating. That two-minute period of steaming inside its wrappings is absolutely essential for perfect breakfast sandwich texture.

I actually like to wrap my sandwich up in foil and place it back in the skillet with the heat off, letting the residual heat in the metal continue to gently warm the sandwich until it forms one grand, amalgamated vision. A sandwich that is truly more than a simple sum of its parts.

January 2016

Recipe Details

Homemade Egg McMuffin Recipe

Cook 15 mins
Active 10 mins
Total 15 mins
Serves 1 sandwich
Makes 1 sandwich


  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter (1/2 ounce; 15g), softened, divided

  • 1 good-quality English muffin, split

  • 1 slice good-quality Canadian bacon

  • Nonstick cooking spray

  • 1 large egg

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 1 slice American, cheddar, Swiss, or Jack cheese


  1. Spread 1 teaspoon butter on each half of the English muffin and place halves in a 10-inch nonstick or cast iron skillet over medium heat. Cook, swirling muffin halves and pressing gently to get good contact with pan, until both pieces are well browned, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a sheet of aluminum foil, split side up.

    A two-image collage. The left image shows a split English muffin being toasted inside of a cast iron skillet. The right image shows the split English muffin, toasted-side up, on a sheet of aluminum foil.

    Serious Eats / Julia Estrada

  2. Melt remaining 1 teaspoon butter in the now empty skillet and increase heat to medium-high. Add bacon and cook, turning frequently, until browned and crisp around the edges, about 1 1/2 minutes. Transfer bacon to lower muffin half.

    A two-image collage. The left image shows a slice of Canadian bacon being cooked in a cast iron skillet. The right image shows the now-browned Canadian bacon placed on top of the left half of the toasted, split English Muffin, on a sheet of aluminum foil.

    Serious Eats / Julia Estrada

  3. Place the lid of a quart-sized, wide-mouthed Mason jar (both the lid and the sealing ring) upside down in the now empty skillet. (The side the jar screws onto should be facing up.) Spray the inside with nonstick cooking spray and break the egg into it. Poke the egg yolk with a fork to break it and season with salt and pepper. Pour 3/4 cup (180ml) water into the skillet, cover, and cook until the egg is set, about 2 minutes.

    A four-image collage showing the process of cooking the egg. The top left image shows a raw egg placed inside of the ring of a mason jar lid, inside of a cast iron skillet. The top right image shows that egg's yolk being broken with a metal fork held by a hand. The bottom left image shows the egg, now slightly cooked, and the bottom right image shows the pan covered by a metal lid, which will help to trap head, thus finishing the egg's cooking.

    Serious Eats / Julia Estrada

  4. Using a thin spatula, transfer Mason jar lid to a paper towel–lined plate. Pour excess water out of the skillet, carefully wipe dry and return it to the stovetop with the heat off. Flip Mason jar lid over and gently remove it to release egg (you may need to use a thin spatula or butter knife to help coax egg off lid). Place egg on top of bacon and top with cheese slice. Close sandwich, wrap in aluminum foil, and return to now empty skillet. Let it warm up in the skillet for 2 minutes with the heat off, flipping occasionally. Unwrap and serve immediately.

    A four-image collage showing the final construction of the Egg McMuffin. The top left image shows the left side of the Egg McMuffin topped with the cooked egg. The top right image shows the egg then covered with a slice of American cheese. The bottom left image shows the complete sandwich wrapped in aluminum foil and placed on a cast iron skillet, to warm it through. The bottom right image shows the Egg McMuffin, unwrapped, on top of the aluminum foil.

    Serious Eats / Julia Estrada

Special Equipment

10-inch nonstick or cast iron skillet; lid from a wide-mouthed, quart-size Mason jar

    Nutrition Facts (per serving)
    Nutrition Facts
    Servings: 1
    Amount per serving
    % Daily Value*
    Total Fat 55g71%
    Saturated Fat 23g117%
    Cholesterol 325mg108%
    Sodium 2104mg91%
    Total Carbohydrate 94g34%
    Dietary Fiber 3g10%
    Total Sugars 41g
    Protein 34g
    Vitamin C 1mg5%
    Calcium 1324mg102%
    Iron 4mg20%
    Potassium 659mg14%
    *The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a food serving contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.
    (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)

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