Lobster Bisque

For rich, creamy lobster bisque, start with a deeply flavorful lobster-shell stock.

Daniel Gritzer
Daniel Gritzer
Editorial Director
Daniel joined the Serious Eats culinary team in 2014 and writes recipes, equipment reviews, articles on cooking techniques. Prior to that he was a food editor at Food & Wine magazine, and the staff writer for Time Out New York's restaurant and bars section.
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Updated June 02, 2023

Why It Works

  • Cooking the tails and claws separately from the rest of the lobster guarantees that the meat remains tender and juicy.
  • Using chicken stock as the base of the broth adds an incredible savory richness that can't be beaten.
  • Using the cooked aromatic vegetables from the stock to thicken the soup preserves flavor and eliminates the need for the more classic addition of cooked rice.

Let's start from a very simple premise: Lobster bisque is little more than a gussied-up lobster stock. It's important to start there, because many lobster bisque recipes, in all their convoluted twists and turns, can obscure that. Just take Julia Child's as an example: I had to reread it about 10 times before I was able to make sense out of all the needlessly complicated components.*

Bowls of colorful, creamy lobster bisque, finished with herb butter and an ample spoonful of perfectly cooked lobster meat.
Photograph: Vicky Wasik. Video: Natalie Holt

I wouldn't go so far as to describe lobster bisque as an easy recipe, though. Nothing that involves cooking and shelling multiple lobsters is. But it shouldn't require a murder detective's web of string on a corkboard to map out all the steps.

*(Sorry, Julia! You're still a legend.)

To explain how I've approached my recipe, I'm going to break down what a good lobster bisque needs, and how I'm accomplishing that here.

Requirement #1: Deeply Flavorful Broth, Perfectly Cooked Lobster Meat

Lobster cut into tail, body, and claw portions on a cutting board set inside a rimmed baking sheet.

The first challenge with bisque is that the soup itself should be loaded with rich lobster flavor, which requires making a long-simmered stock. But the meat in the soup should be perfectly cooked, which means it needs to be cooked very briefly.

A lot of bisque recipes bungle this step, having you cook every part of the lobsters in the broth until it's infused with their flavor, then fish out the meat from the claws, tails, and knuckles to use in the soup later on. But after all that cooking, the lobster meat is going to be as tough as a tire.

Hands cradling a perfectly shelled, intact portion of cooked lobster tail meat.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

The solution is to divide the lobsters into parts while they're still raw. That way, you can par-cook the claws and tails just enough to make it possible to free the meat from the shells. (When raw, the meat clings to the shells and won't come out.) You can then reserve those half-cooked morsels for later.

Then take all the leftover shells from the claws and tails, along with the chopped-up raw bodies, and make stock with that. The result is plenty of flavor in the broth, and perfectly cooked meat.

Lobster shells and picked, chopped bodies being transferred to a rimmed baking sheet.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Lobster flavor tip: When shelling and chopping the lobster parts, set your cutting board inside a rimmed baking sheet. The sheet will catch all the juices from the lobster, which you can reserve for the stockpot later, ensuring that you lose none of that great lobster flavor. Save the steaming water from the par-cooked claws and tails, too; it'll also be full of flavor and worth adding to the stockpot.

Requirement #2: A Lobster-Infused Fat

Crustaceans like lobster are tricky. While some of their flavor and color molecules are water-soluble, others are fat-soluble—enough that you'll want to try to infuse a fat for maximum flavor extraction. A lot of old-school bisque recipes deal with this by having you create a separate lobster-infused butter and blend it into the broth base later on in the process. That's just too much work, though.

My solution is incredibly simple: Add a larger-than-normal volume of butter and oil to the stockpot for the shell-sautéing step. That way, you create a lobster-infused fat at the same time that you make the stock. It'll end up blended into the broth anyway, and doing this eliminates an entire step that's common in classic recipes.

Requirement #3: A Luxurious, Silky Consistency

Light-orange lobster broth being stirred with a wooden spoon in a Dutch oven.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Bisque is traditionally thickened at the end of cooking with both cream and cooked rice. The latter, when blended in, adds a smooth, starchy thickness without introducing much flavor of its own. I've tried it, and it works well, but, once again, it requires an extra step—making rice on top of everything else. You don't need to do it.

With today's powerful blenders, rice needn't be your go-to thickener in a bisque. Instead, just use the aromatic vegetables from the stock itself. They'll be soft and squishy after simmering in the stockpot, and infused with the flavor of the stock. Once blended into the broth, the vegetable fiber acts as a thickener, rendering the rice unnecessary.

If you really want an extra-thick broth, sure, you can still blend some cooked rice into the pot (or thicken the broth with a cornstarch slurry), but I didn't need it.

Lobster Bisque, Step by Step

Step 1: Kill the Lobsters and Break Them Into Parts

This is the step that gives most people pause, and I understand why. Having to kill a living creature isn't fun. But if you want to make lobster bisque, you have to do this. There's no way around it.

A lobster, like many shellfish, will start to break down and go bad rapidly once it dies. In just a short period of time, its meat will begin to grow mushy, and an unpleasant ammonia smell can creep through its body and flesh. Pretty soon, it'll be inedible. The only way to avoid this is to keep the lobster alive until the very last second, and that means you have to dispatch the lobster yourself.

On top of that, because we want to handle the claw and tail meat differently from the bodies, we need to split each lobster into parts before cooking any of it. Since tearing the lobsters into pieces while they're still alive would be extremely cruel, we first need to quickly kill them.

There's debate over the best way to do this for a lobster—frankly, a lobster's neurological system is primitive enough that finding a large vital organ, like a brain, to target isn't so clear-cut. But the best bet is still to drive a hefty chef's knife down between its eyes, straight through the shell. In theory, this should hit its nerve center and kill it instantly.

Prepare yourself, though, because a lobster's reflexes can continue to fire afterward, which means the lobsters may continue moving even after you've killed them.

A dispatched, raw lobster's tail being twisted from its body.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Once you've cut through the head, you can go ahead and twist off the tail and claws, including the knuckles that connect them to the body.

Step 2: Par-Cook the Claws and Tails, Then Shell

Next, steam the tails and claws for two and a half and three minutes, respectively. That's just long enough to set the meat and free it from the shell, while still leaving it a bit shy of fully cooked. Crack the shells, pull out all the meat, and place it in the fridge for later.

You can now combine all the tail and claw shells with the bodies.

Step 3: Chop the Bodies and Shells

You'll now have several raw lobster bodies, and a pile of shells from the par-cooked tails and claws. Chop it all up. (The tail and claw shells may not require much chopping, since you already cracked them earlier.) You'll use every last bit of this to make the lobster stock.

Step 4: Make the Lobster Stock

As I mentioned above, I start my stock with a generous amount of butter and olive oil in the pot, which will help pull the fat-soluble color and flavor from the shells. The key with a lobster stock is to first sear the shells well, building up some good browning (known as the fond in kitchen parlance) before you add any liquids.

I like to do this by adding the lobster bodies and shells one small portion at a time, since crowding the pot right away will introduce too much moisture and get in the way of good browning. Once I have all the shells and bodies in the pot and they've browned nicely, I add aromatic vegetables, like carrot, celery, and onion, and continue to cook and brown them.

Next, I add some tomato paste and stir that into the pot, letting it cook briefly.

After that, I start adding liquids:

  • Brandy goes in first, cooking down until it's mostly reduced and its raw alcohol flavor is gone. (If you're comfortable with flames leaping from your pot, you can flambé it to burn the alcohol off more quickly, but this isn't required.) Some recipes call for sherry instead of brandy, and I tested both. At first, I thought I preferred the sherry—its aroma seemed to meld better with the lobster than the sweet and oaky vanilla notes of the brandy. But after the stock was done, I changed my mind; with enough time, that sweet brandy smell becomes much subtler and more pleasant, and it fits better into the overall flavor profile.
  • White wine follows the brandy, adding its own complex flavor and tart edge.
  • After the alcohol, I add the lobster juices I saved from the steaming pot and cutting board. They're basically lobster concentrate, so we don't want to lose them down the drain if we can help it.
  • Finally, I top it all off with chicken stock. Yes, you read that right: chicken stock. Not fumet, not water, not shrimp-shell broth. This may sound crazy, but it helps to know the history of bisque to understand the logic. Before "bisque" became so inextricably associated with shellfish, it was a meat-based soup. Over time, it seems, chefs began garnishing these meaty bisques with seafood like crawfish tails. Eventually, the shellfish overtook the meat, transforming the soup into what we know as bisque today. But the secret is that the meat broth never fully left the bisque: It's hiding in plain sight, as the base of the soup. The flavor is inimitable and not to be skipped, adding a deep and savory richness that underscores all of the lobster's aromatic delicacy. So yeah—in goes the chicken stock, until the shells are just covered.
Sprigs of parsley and tarragon piled on the the surface of the lobster stock, about to be stirred in.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

With all the liquids in the pot, I add some herbs, like parsley and tarragon, then let it simmer for about an hour.

Step 5: Strain, Then Blend

The finished lobster stock being ladled through a fine-mesh strainer and into a large mixing bowl.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

When the rich lobster stock is done, I strain out the solids and transfer the liquids to a blender—if you have a high-powered blender, even better, since it'll make the smoothest possible soup. Then I pick out some of the aromatics from the solids and add them to the blender, too, along with some heavy cream. A good long buzz in the blender brings it all together into a velvety, creamy broth.

The only catch: That broth likely has some shards of lobster shells in it, which we absolutely do not want in the final bowls of soup. It's time to...

Step 6: Strain Again

One last pass through a fine-mesh strainer will do the trick. Give the broth a final seasoning, including a light touch of cayenne pepper—just enough to bring a subtle warmth, but not an outright spiciness.

Step 7: Prepare the Lobster Meat

To finish, take the shelled lobster meat from earlier, cut it into chunks, and sauté it in hot butter for about a minute to finish cooking it. Add a generous pinch of fresh herbs, like parsley, tarragon, and chives, along with a pinch of ground coriander seeds (one of my favorite spices in...just about everything).

Then ladle the soup into bowls, and spoon the lobster and herb butter into each.

Like I said, lobster bisque is not exactly an easy recipe, but if this one's streamlined, just imagine what the others must look like!

May 2017

Recipe Details

Lobster Bisque Recipe

Prep 35 mins
Cook 110 mins
Active 90 mins
Total 2 hrs 25 mins
Serves 6 to 8 servings


  • 4 (1 1/4pound; 560g) live lobsters

  • 1 (4-ounce; 115g) stick unsalted butter, plus more for garnish

  • 1/3 cup (80ml) extra-virgin olive oil

  • 2 medium carrots (about 12 ounces; 340g), diced

  • 2 medium yellow onions (about 1 pound; 450g), diced

  • 4 large celery ribs (about 6 ounces; 170g), diced

  • 4 medium cloves garlic, crushed

  • 2 tablespoons (25g) tomato paste

  • 1/4 cup (60ml) brandy

  • 1 cup (240ml) dry white wine

  • 5 cups (1.2L) homemade chicken stock or store-bought low-sodium chicken broth

  • 3 sprigs flat-leaf parsley, plus minced leaves and tender stems for garnish

  • 3 sprigs tarragon, plus minced leaves for garnish

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 1/2 cup (120ml) heavy cream

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground white or black pepper

  • Cayenne pepper, to taste

  • Minced fresh chives, for garnish

  • Ground coriander seeds, to taste


  1. Using a hefty chef's knife, kill each lobster by pressing the tip of the knife in the indentation just behind and between the eyes. Press down firmly, then split head in half. Using kitchen towels, twist off tail and claws (including knuckles) from each lobster carapace.

    On the left: A chef's knife being driven into the a lobster's head, behind and between the eyes with the cutting edge pointed forward. On the right: the chef's knife is brought down, severing it cleanly between the eyes.
  2. Set a cutting board in a rimmed baking sheet on a work surface. Place a steamer insert in the bottom of a large lidded stockpot and add 1 inch of water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Add lobster tails, cover, and cook for 2 minutes 30 seconds. Remove tails and transfer to cutting board. Make sure water is still at a full boil, then add claws, cover pot, and cook for 3 minutes. Remove claws and transfer to cutting board. Reserve water in bottom of steamer; it will now be infused with lobster juices.

    On the left: tongs lifting a cooked lobster tail from a large steamer basket. On the right: a cooked lobster claw is transferred from the steamer basket.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  3. As soon as lobster is cool enough to handle, remove tail, claw, and knuckle meat from shells using kitchen shears, lobster crackers, and/or the back of a heavy cleaver to help crack shells. (It's okay if the meat gets a little mangled.) Reserve shells; separately reserve any accumulated liquids in the rimmed baking sheet. Cut lobster meat into 1-inch pieces and transfer to the refrigerator.

  4. Using a heavy chef's knife, cut lobster bodies into large pieces (do not discard any parts).

    On the left: a lobster body being split lengthwise down the carapace. On the right: one lobster body half being cut into chunks.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  5. In a large Dutch oven or stockpot, combine butter with olive oil and heat over medium-high heat until butter is fully melted and foaming. Add just enough lobster bodies and shells to cover bottom of pot in a single layer and cook, stirring and scraping, until browned, about 5 minutes. Add remaining lobster bodies and shells and cook, stirring and scraping frequently, until all lobster pieces are bright red, fully cooked, and browning on bottom of pot, about 8 minutes longer.

    Four images of lobster shells being added in batches to a Dutch oven, followed by aromatic vegetables.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  6. Add carrot, onion, celery, and garlic and cook, stirring and scraping bottom of pot, until vegetables are beginning to soften and a new layer of browning has formed on bottom of pot, about 5 minutes. Stir in tomato paste and cook for 1 minute.

  7. Add brandy (be careful if working over a gas flame not to accidentally ignite it) and cook, stirring and scraping bottom of pot, until brandy has mostly evaporated and raw alcohol smell has cooked off. Add white wine, bring to a simmer, and cook, stirring and scraping up any browned bits, until alcohol smell has cooked off.

  8. Add reserved lobster-steaming water and collected lobster juices (you should have around 3 or 4 cups lobster liquid) along with chicken stock. There should be just enough liquid to barely cover shells; if not, add enough water to barely cover. Add parsley sprigs, tarragon sprigs, and bay leaf.

    On the left: a top-down view of the browned lobster shells and vegetables in the Dutch oven. On the right: chicken stock poured into the pan from a liquid measuring cup.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  9. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and gently simmer, uncovered, for 1 hour.

  10. Strain lobster stock, pressing well on shells to extract as much liquid as possible; reserve solids. Working in batches if necessary, add lobster stock to a blender. Pick out about 2 cups cooked aromatic vegetables from reserved stock solids and add to blender. Add cream and blend, starting at low speed and gradually increasing to high speed, until soup is completely smooth. Repeat with any remaining lobster stock. If you want the broth even thicker, blend in more aromatic vegetables from stock (or cooked rice; see notes).

    Chopped vegetables used for making the lobster stock being scooped into a blender partly filled with fat-enriched stock.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  11. Pass blended soup through a fine-mesh strainer into a clean pot, using a wooden spoon or ladle to work everything through; you should be left with only some tiny bits of lobster shell caught in the strainer when you're done. (This can be a slow process, but it's worth it to eliminate any shell remnants.)

    Creamy, emulsified lobster broth being poured from a blender through a fine-mesh strainer, which is set over the Dutch oven.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  12. Reheat soup, being careful not to let it boil to avoid curdling the cream. Season with salt and pepper, plus just enough cayenne pepper to give the soup a subtle warmth (it shouldn't be overtly spicy). Keep warm.

  13. When ready to serve, melt about 2 tablespoons (30g) unsalted butter per serving in a skillet over medium-high heat until foaming. Add lobster meat (about 1/4 cup per serving) and cook, stirring and tossing, until just cooked through, 1 to 2 minutes. Add a mixture of minced parsley, tarragon, and chives, tossing to coat. Season with salt and pepper, along with a pinch or two of ground coriander to taste.

    Cooked lobster meat being sautéed in butter, getting showered with minced fresh herbs.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  14. Ladle broth into warmed bowls and spoon lobster meat garnish and herb butter into each bowl. If you don't serve it all right away, the soup base and reserved par-cooked lobster meat can be refrigerated, separately, up to 2 days. Reheat soup (without boiling) and finish remaining lobster meat as directed to serve.

    A serving of the finished bisque in a shallow white bowl, a large spoonful of lobster meat is mounded in the center, drizzled with the herb-butter mixture it was sautéed in.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Special Equipment

Rimmed baking sheet, blender (preferably high-powered), fine-mesh strainer, large Dutch oven or stockpot


This recipe uses the aromatics from the stockpot to thicken the soup broth, yielding a bisque that's very smooth and creamy. If you like your bisque extra thick and starchy, you may want to blend in some cooked rice as well.

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Nutrition Facts (per serving)
Nutrition Facts
Servings: 6 to 8
Amount per serving
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 30g38%
Saturated Fat 13g64%
Cholesterol 408mg136%
Sodium 1614mg70%
Total Carbohydrate 14g5%
Dietary Fiber 3g10%
Total Sugars 6g
Protein 52g
Vitamin C 9mg47%
Calcium 308mg24%
Iron 2mg11%
Potassium 1048mg22%
*The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a food serving contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.
(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)

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