Hey folks! If you've been wondering if you can get your copy of The Food Lab signed, or if you are planning on ordering some copies as gifts this year, here's your chance to get them personalized!
People ask me all the time if they can get signed copies of The Food Lab, and, despite the fact that I'm thrilled and humbled and honored every time I get that request, unless you can make it to one of my live events or signings, it's very difficult to do. The problem is that I never see the books between the time they're printed and the time they get delivered to your doorstep or to bookstores. Receiving, signing, and shipping a book that weighs over six pounds is also impractical.
So here's what I've done: I've gone out and gotten my very own Post Office box,* so now I can pick up physical mail from readers. If you send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope with a note telling me whom you'd like the inscription made out to, in return I'll send you a personalized and signed bookplate that you can stick inside the cover of your book. Not quite the same as a signed book, but I think it's the next best thing, right?
When I was a kid, the only time I saw the phrase "post office box" was on the backs of cereal boxes that instructed you to send your proof-of-purchase labels to post office boxes in St. Louis or Battle Creek to get your official Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs beanie. I was convinced that it referred to a box somewhere in the Post Cereals office. I suppose I thought the folks at Post were nice enough to collect the mail for Kellogg's and General Mills, too.
I'm only sharing this news right here, right now for Serious Eaters like you, though I'll keep the box for a while, so even if you miss out during the holidays, feel free to send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope any time you'd like, and I'll personalize and drop a bookplate in the mail for you. The PO box is only big enough to receive standard letters, so, please, do not try to send me whole books or large envelopes: They will be returned!
Here's the address:
J. Kenji López-Alt PO Box 6784 San Mateo, CA 94403
I'm going to try my very best to get envelopes that are sent in back to you in time for the holidays, but please do bear in mind that it's just me out here, so please be patient!
You can get your very own copy of The Food Lab here!
Happy holidays!
PS: By default, I'll draw you a burger on your bookplate. I can also draw you a veggie burger if you don't eat regular burgers. Or, if you don't like burgers at all, just tell me what you'd like to see, and I'll do my best within the limitations of my skills and the medium.