Provençal Ratatouille Recipe

This classic Provençal stew allows ripe, late-summer produce to shine.

Daniel Gritzer
Daniel Gritzer
Editorial Director
Daniel joined the Serious Eats culinary team in 2014 and writes recipes, equipment reviews, articles on cooking techniques. Prior to that he was a food editor at Food & Wine magazine, and the staff writer for Time Out New York's restaurant and bars section.
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Updated September 28, 2022
A bowl of colorful Provençal ratatouille.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Why It Works

  • Cutting the vegetables into small dice means that every bite delivers deep, well-rounded flavor.
  • An optional step of pre-salting the eggplant and summer squash helps remove excess water from those vegetables, increasing the overall sweetness of the dish.
  • Cooking the vegetables separately allows you to control perfectly the level of doneness for each one; simmering them together briefly melds their flavors.

I've been religious about my ratatouille for years, telling anyone who would listen that the only way to make it well was by first cooking each vegetable separately, then combining them for a short simmer to briefly meld their flavors. It's a method promoted by many trusted cooks, from Julia Child to Jacques Pépin, and it's never delivered anything less than stellar results for me.

But there's a problem with being religious about just about anything, which is that a strict adherence to a single viewpoint often doesn't hold up when put to the test. I'd learned this lesson plenty of times before, and I've learned it once again thanks to my work on this ratatouille recipe. I was certain my test batches would confirm what I was already so sure of, but instead, I've come to realize that there's more than one way to make great ratatouille. That's good news for all of us.

I'm ready to put an end to my ratatouille proselytizing. You ready to join me?

What Is Ratatouille?

A close-up of a bowl of Provençal ratatouille.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Before diving into cooking techniques, let's start by defining the dish. Ratatouille is a Mediterranean stew of summer vegetables that comes from the South of France (more specifically, Provence), though its reach extends far beyond that. Its exact origins are murky—Clifford Wright points out in his excellent and exhaustive A Mediterranean Feast that not only were tomatoes (a common ratatouille ingredient) not available in Europe until the 16th century, but La Cuisinière Provençale, an important Provençal cookbook from the 19th century, fails to include ratatouille among its 1,000-plus recipes. Even if ratatouille as we know it is a relatively new creation, similar vegetable stews have without a doubt been common in the region for ages, including relatives like samfaina from Catalonia and tombet from Mallorca.

While many variations exist, ratatouille typically includes a mix of eggplant, summer squash (i.e., zucchini, yellow squash, and other soft-skin types), onion, garlic, bell peppers, and tomatoes stewed in olive oil. Herbs vary, and some folks hold very strong opinions about which ones they should and should not be, but among the most ubiquitous are basil, parsley, and thyme.

I happen to own a great old cookbook called Vieii Receto de Cousino Prouvençalo (Old Recipes of Provençal Cuisine), which is written in both Occitan and French, and it has one of the simplest recipes for ratatouille one could hope to find. It says to add zucchini, bell peppers, and peeled eggplant, all cut into long strips, to a pot with diced onion and a few cloves of garlic and cook them together over a low flame with olive oil.

On the other end of the spectrum are more complicated approaches, which call for steps like pre-salting the eggplant and squash to drain them of excess moisture, cutting each vegetable into small cubes, and cooking the vegetables individually before combining them in a single pot; aromatic additions like a bouquet garni (herb bundle) come up often.

One thing is certain: While you can make ratatouille year-round with vegetables from the supermarket and get pretty good results, nothing compares to making it with summer produce at the peak of ripeness, when bell peppers are shockingly sweet and garlic, not long from the earth, exudes a sticky oil when you cut it.

Approaches to Cooking Ratatouille

At its heart, ratatouille is a rustic dish, designed to make use of all the produce that's abundant this time of year. Ease and simplicity are key—no one wants an overly laborious recipe when the main objective is to keep pace with the summertime onslaught of tomatoes, eggplant, and squash. Just as key, though, is making the most of those ingredients. Which means we still have to decide a few things about how to approach the recipe.

Cutting the Vegetables

Prep bowls filled with diced tomato, eggplant, squash, onion, and bell pepper.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Perhaps the first decision is how to cut the vegetables. A lot of recipes, especially the more rustic ones, call for larger pieces, but I'm pretty firmly in the small-dice camp. Primarily because I think it significantly improves the eating experience: When the vegetables are small enough, every spoon- or forkful will contain a good mix of each, delivering the biggest wallop of well-rounded ratatouille flavor. Plus, smaller pieces have more surface area, which can help speed cooking (and therefore flavor development) and allow for more thorough seasoning.

Close-up of a prep bowl filled with diced summer squash.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

I have yet to meet a large-cut ratatouille I've loved. Those boulders of slightly bland zucchini and eggplant just don't do it for me. It takes more time to dice everything more finely, but it's one step that I really think is worth it. Anywhere from quarter-inch to half-inch pieces is a good size.


I'd never before bothered with pre-salting my eggplant and squash for ratatouille. Because I dice my vegetables small, I'd always figured the increased surface area alone was enough to quickly drive off excess moisture, making the salting step unnecessary. Still, it's called for in a lot of recipes, so I cooked up two batches, the only difference between them being that I'd pre-salted the eggplant and summer squash in one and not in the other.

The salted eggplant and squash produced ratatouille with more depth and sweetness.

To my surprise, this step had a bigger impact than I was expecting. The salted eggplant and squash produced ratatouille with more depth and sweetness. The difference wasn't extreme, but, at least when I tasted the two batches side by side, it was noticeable. One possibility is that when you remove some of the water content in advance, less energy is spent evaporating that moisture in the pot, which means that the sugars in those vegetables can concentrate and caramelize more quickly and thoroughly.

The effect isn't drastic enough for me to say that you absolutely must pre-salt those vegetables—if you don't have time, go ahead and skip it. If you plan your knife work efficiently, though, you can dice the eggplant and squash, then salt them and let them sit while you continue dicing the other vegetables, with little extra time added to the recipe at all.

In case anyone is wondering whether those drained juices from the pre-salting are flavorful enough to warrant reincorporating into the dish, I'll tell you that I tasted a spoonful, and they tasted like very little except for salt. Dump 'em.

Single-Pot Versus Individually Cooked Vegetables

All of the ingredients for ratatouille, gently cooking in a Dutch oven.
Ratatouille with everything cooked together in one pot.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Here's the part that I've always been convinced makes the biggest difference between merely good ratatouille and great ratatouille. Why? First, because each vegetable cooks at a different rate and absorbs different amounts of oil. Bell peppers and onions take longer to cook than squash and eggplant, for instance, and spongy eggplant is way more of an oil trap than the denser vegetables. By cooking them separately, you can control the doneness of each one with more precision, leading to a finished ratatouille that manages to meld their flavors while also maintaining their individual textures and tastes. Plus, cooking each vegetable individually means that they get more face time with the hot pan, which should aid in flavor development. (Compare this to the steaming/stewing that takes place when they're all dumped in a pot together.)

In my tests, though, I found that while the above is true—you do preserve the shape and flavor of each vegetable a little better by cooking them separately—the difference was not nearly as great as I'd anticipated. As you'll see in the photo below, the cooked-separately batch (at right) contains more discrete individual pieces of each vegetable, while the cooked-together batch shows more breakdown among the eggplant and squash pieces.

Two ramekins with different batches of ratatouille. The one-pot version looks a little less defined than the one made with individually-cooked vegetables.
At left, one-pot ratatouille; at right, individually cooked vegetables that are then briefly stewed together.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

But they aren't wildly different—not in taste, and not in texture. In the end, I had to conclude that cooking the vegetables separately makes a small difference, which is worth doing if you really value keeping each vegetable more distinct, but not absolutely essential.

Diced squash being sautéed in a skillet. The author is tossing the vegetables in the pan by deftly flicking the pan so that the pieces of squash are launched into the air.
Cooking each vegetable separately helps maintain their shapes and individual flavors in the final dish—but the differences aren't as drastic as you might expect.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

If you have a good sense of the relative cooking times of your vegetables, it's also possible to do a hybrid of the two methods. In that case, what you'd do is add each vegetable to the pot in a sequence based on roughly how long they need to cook, starting with the onion and garlic, then adding the bell peppers soon after, followed by the squash and eggplant, and finally the tomato. It's not as accurate as cooking them individually, but it's still a little more tailored to each vegetable's need than the one-pot method.

A few things worth noting: First, I didn't test larger vegetable pieces, and it's possible that you'd see a bigger difference between one-pot and separately cooked versions in that case. I'm just wedded to using smaller pieces, so it wasn't a question I cared to explore, but it's worth considering if you cut your vegetables larger.

Second, while the individually cooked approach requires more of your attention, don't assume that it also requires more of your time. Sautéing each vegetable one after another certainly stretches the process out, but if you're comfortable juggling multiple pans at once, you'll actually reduce your total cooking time compared to the one-pot approach.

Third, some of you may be wondering whether there are any browned bits on the bottom of the skillet that would be worth collecting by deglazing and then adding to the final pot of ratatouille. To find out, I deglazed my pan with water after sautéing each of the vegetables, let it reduce down to just a few tablespoons, and tasted it. Turns out, it tastes like very little. Skip it.

Fresh Diced Tomato Versus Tomato Purée

Two ramekins holding batches of ratatouille made with fresh tomatoes and puréed tomatoes, respectively. The fresh-tomato batch is not nearly as red or as saucy.
Fresh diced tomato, at left; pureed tomatoes, at right.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

The last big question for me concerned the tomatoes. It's the peak of summer, so you have your pick of fresh, seasonal tomatoes to use, which you can dice and cook into the dish. Alternatively, you can make a purée of cooked tomatoes, either from fresh or by crushing or blending canned ones and adding that to the pot.

I tried it both ways, and the results are striking. You can immediately see the difference—despite plenty of cooking, the diced fresh tomato maintained its shape to the end, while the puréed tomatoes acted as a sauce, coating everything in a red sheen and helping to bind it all together. As you can imagine, the tomato flavor is more pervasive when added as purée, since it glazes every other vegetable in the dish.

Once again, this comes down to personal preference: If you want a more lusty, tomato-tinged ratatouille, the purée, whether from canned or fresh tomatoes, is a no-brainer. If you want the other vegetables, like the eggplant, to shine through more, go with diced fresh tomatoes. I prefer the purée, so that's what I've called for in my recipe.

Ratatouille: Step by Step

I start by salting the eggplant and squash and letting them stand in a strainer set over a bowl for between 15 and 30 minutes.

Whether doing the individually cooked or the one-pot approach, I then sweat onion and garlic in olive oil. For the one-pot approach, the next step is to combine everything else in the pot and let it cook until done.

Onions and garlic being sautéed in a skillet.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

For the individually cooked approach, as each vegetable finishes cooking, I transfer it to a baking sheet to cool slightly. Spreading the pieces in a thin, even layer allows them to cool more evenly.

Sautéed summer squash being cooled on a rimmed baking sheet.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

I repeat this with the remaining ingredients. As each finishes, I scrape whatever is currently on the baking sheet into a pot and spread the next vegetable on the sheet to cool a little.

Author transferring cooked bell pepper to a rimmed baking sheet to cool.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Once everything is in the pot, I set it over low heat and add the tomato.

Author stirring the cooked, diced vegetables in a saucepan with a spatula.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

I also add herbs at this point; here, it's a bundle of basil, parsley, and thyme.

Close-up of a bundle of thyme and basil sprigs tied with a length of twine. The bundle has been added to the saucepan to flavor ratatouille.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Herb garnishes are up to you, too. In these photos, I've stirred in some chopped parsley, but you could use basil, another herb, or just leave it out altogether. I'll often also stir in a bit more fresh olive oil for flavor at the end.

Close-up of the finished ratatouille, flecked with chopped parsley.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

When it's all done, there actually is one point on which I maintain my religious feelings: As good as ratatouille is hot, it's so, so much better when eaten slightly chilled or at room temperature the next day.

August 2015

Recipe Details

Provençal Ratatouille Recipe

Prep 15 mins
Cook 60 mins
Active 90 mins
Total 75 mins
Serves 4 to 6 servings
Makes 2 quarts


  • 3 cups 1/4-inch diced summer squash, such as zucchini and yellow squash (about 4 small or 2 medium squash)

  • 3 cups 1/4-inch diced Italian eggplant (about 1 medium eggplant)

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 3/4 cup (12 tablespoons) extra-virgin olive oil, divided, plus more as needed

  • 3 cups 1/4-inch diced yellow onion (about 3 medium onions)

  • 6 medium cloves garlic, minced (about 2 tablespoons)

  • 3 cups 1/4-inch diced red and yellow bell pepper (about 4 large peppers)

  • 2 cups puréed canned whole tomatoes, with their juices, from 1 (28-ounce) can (see notes)

  • 1 bouquet garni (herb bundle), made from fresh herbs such as thyme, parsley, and basil, tied together with butcher's twine (see notes)

  • Chopped fresh parsley leaves and tender stems, for garnish (optional)


  1. Place summer squash in a wire mesh strainer set over a bowl; place eggplant in a second wire mesh strainer and set over a second bowl. Toss both with a liberal amount of kosher salt and let stand to drain at least 15 minutes and up to 1 hour. Discard any liquid that collects in the bowls.

    Author sprinkling salt over a fine mesh strainer containing diced summer squash.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  2. In a large skillet, heat 3 tablespoons olive oil over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add onion and garlic, season with salt, and cook, stirring, until softened, about 6 minutes. Scrape onion and garlic onto a rimmed baking sheet and spread in an even layer to cool for 3 minutes. Transfer onion and garlic to a large pot.

    Onion and garlic, cooling on a rimmed baking sheet.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  3. Meanwhile, add 3 more tablespoons olive oil to skillet and heat over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add bell pepper, season with salt, and cook, stirring, until softened, about 7 minutes. Scrape bell pepper onto the rimmed baking sheet in an even layer to cool for 3 minutes. Transfer bell pepper to pot with onion.

    Author sprinkling salt over diced bell pepper as it cooks.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  4. Add 3 more tablespoons olive oil to skillet and heat over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add summer squash and cook, stirring, until softened, about 4 minutes. Scrape onto rimmed baking sheet in an even layer to cool for 3 minutes. Transfer to pot with onion and bell pepper.

    Cooked, cooled summer squash being transferred from the rimmed baking sheet to a saucepan.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  5. Add remaining 3 tablespoons olive oil to skillet and heat over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add eggplant and cook, stirring, until softened, about 4 minutes; add more olive oil as needed if skillet dries out while cooking eggplant. Scrape eggplant into pot with other vegetables and stir to combine.

    Diced eggplant is added to the skillet.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  6. Set pot of vegetables over medium-high heat and stir in tomato purée and herb bundle; heat until ratatouille is gently bubbling, then lower heat to medium and cook, stirring, until tomato purée coats vegetables in a thick sauce, about 15 minutes. Discard herb bundle. Season with salt, stir in chopped parsley (if using), and drizzle with a small amount of fresh extra-virgin olive oil. Serve right away, or chill and serve either reheated, slightly chilled, or at room temperature.

    Author pouring tomato purée into saucepan of ratatouille.
    Puréed tomatoes more fully pervade and flavor the dish.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Special Equipment

2 wire mesh strainers, rimmed baking sheet


Canned whole tomatoes often provide some of the best quality you can get, but feel free to use a purée made from cooked fresh ones if they're good enough. You can also peel, seed, and dice fresh tomatoes and use them in place of the purée; they will hold their shape more in the finished ratatouille, and their flavor will be more subdued.

Herbs are optional and can include all sorts beyond the ones suggested below; oregano, marjoram, and savory are also good options.

You can speed up steps 2 through 5 by cooking the vegetables individually in multiple skillets at once, then transferring them to a pot to finish cooking together.

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Nutrition Facts (per serving)
Nutrition Facts
Servings: 4 to 6
Amount per serving
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 28g36%
Saturated Fat 4g20%
Cholesterol 0mg0%
Sodium 450mg20%
Total Carbohydrate 35g13%
Dietary Fiber 9g31%
Total Sugars 14g
Protein 5g
Vitamin C 77mg383%
Calcium 74mg6%
Iron 3mg16%
Potassium 897mg19%
*The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a food serving contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.
(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)

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