Salsa Recipes
Spicy chile tamulado, tangy salsa verde, and refreshing pico de gallo salsa recipes aplenty to dip your chips, top your tacos, and fill your tortillas.
Classic Pico de Gallo
Serious Salsa: Serrano Salsa Verde Recipe
Extra-Hot Yucatán-Style Roasted-Habanero Salsa (Chile Tamulado) Recipe
Yucatán-Style Hot Dried-Chili Salsa (K'uut Bi Ik) Recipe
Basic Salsa Verde (Mexican Tomatillo Salsa) Recipe
Serious Heat: 25 Things To Do with Hot Sauce
Serious Heat: 30 Things To Do With Leftover Salsa
Fiery Peach Salsa from 'Little Jars, Big Flavors'
Peach Salsa With Pickled Red Onions and Serrano Chilies Recipe
Charred Tomatillo and Yellow Pepper Salsa Recipe
Tuna and Avocado Salsa Recipe
Tomatillo Salsa Recipe | Grilling
Pantry Essentials: All About Salsa
Ají (Colombian-Style Tomato and Onion Salsa) Recipe
Mint Mojo (Puerto Rican-style Garlic Sauce with Mint) Recipe
Orange-Tomatillo Salsa Recipe
Santa Maria-Style Salsa Recipe
Roasted Tomato-Mint Salsa From 'Tacolicious'
Ancho-Chipotle Salsa With Chocolate and Fried Almonds Recipe