Uovo in Raviolo (Runny Egg Yolk Ravioli) Recipe

Ravioli filled with a ring of creamy ricotta surrounding a perfectly runny yolk.

Niki Achitoff-Gray
Niki Achitoff-Gray

Niki Achitoff-Gray is the former editor-in-chief at Serious Eats and a graduate of the Institute of Culinary Education. She's pretty big into oysters, offal, and most edible things.

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Updated May 12, 2022
A shallow bowl of uovo in ravioli. A raviolo is punctured with a knife and for to reveal thick, slightly runny egg yolk.

Serious Eats / Niki Achitoff-Gray

In This Recipe

Why It Works

  • The ricotta filling creates a buffer that prevents the yolk from breaking during cooking.
  • Draining the ricotta keeps the filling firm but creamy.
  • Using starchy pasta water helps create an emulsified sauce.
  • By rolling the dough thinly—but not too thinly—the ravioli holds their shape without sacrificing texture or flavor.
  • Boiling the ravioli in unsalted water helps ensure that the dish, which includes salty pancetta, does not end up too salty.

Let me begin by saying, you can do this. I know it for a fact because the first time I made uovo in raviolo was also the first time I made fresh pasta. And it was years before I went to culinary school or started working at Serious Eats. At the time, I was your totally average enthusiastic-but-wholly-inexperienced home cook.

Then again, I'll be frank. It didn't go super well. For starters, it was New Year's Eve, and I was cooking for six—no pressure or anything. And because I'd never made fresh pasta before, everything (especially my very nice dress) was covered in flour. I didn't know to divide my pasta dough into manageable sections, so I wound up with a single, obscenely long piece that I didn't even think to cut in half, let alone eighths. When my company arrived, they had to navigate the 20-foot sheet of dough-topped parchment paper that was stretched across my living room floor. What can I say? I sure knew how to whet an appetite.

Anyway, it took me several hours, a bottle's worth of calm-down-wine, and a half dozen broken eggs, but by midnight(ish) we were sitting down to two gorgeous oversized ravioli apiece, each filled with a ring of creamy ricotta cheese surrounding an intact, perfectly runny egg yolk.

Since that day, I've made uovo in raviolo* dozens of times. And I'm confident in saying that it's actually easier than making regular ravioli, mainly because you don't have to make nearly as many per serving. And they're freaking beautiful. This is the kind of dish that people talk about for years. Little do they know, it's actually pretty effortless.

*Let's talk about the name of this pasta for a second. Look online, and you'll find all sorts of variations: uova al raviolo, uova di raviolo, raviolone ai tuorli di uova, raviolo con rosso di uova fondante, and on and on. Those all work, but the dish originated at the famed San Domenico restaurant in Imola, Italy, and there they've always called it uovo in raviolo, so that's what we're calling it too.

If the whole prospect intimidates you, consider this: How often does an egg yolk break in its shell? Pretty much never, right? Well, all you're really doing here is replacing the egg white with a delicious, pillowy filling, and the shell with fresh pasta. Is fresh pasta as hard as a shell? No, but it's also relatively firm until cooked and not nearly as brittle. In my book, the odds of breakage even out pretty well.

My recipe calls for a basic ricotta filling, which really lets the flavor and texture of the yolk shine. (That said, my butternut squash ravioli filling or my mushroom tortellini filling would also work nicely here.)

I serve the egg yolk ravioli in a butter sauce laced with salty pancetta, with a finishing squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of fresh parsley for a balancing pop of freshness (I omitted the fresh white truffles used in the original version because...money). So yeah, it's incredibly decadent, which is why I recommend only making two or three per person. It won't necessarily fill you up, but it also won't leave you feeling weighed down; I'd suggest supplementing the meal with a fresh salad in a bright, acidic dressing.

Now, if you're entirely new to working with pasta, you may want to pause here and pay a quick visit to our complete guide to making fresh pasta. Otherwise, just know that the only ingredient you'll need to make your own egg yolk ravioli is the filling, along with all-purpose flour, eggs, and salt. It's also handy to have the right tools (like a cookie cutter or can to cut the dough, and a pastry bag to squeeze out your filling).

Let's get rolling.

The Prep

First things first, you'll want to mix your dough and wrap it up tightly in plastic to rest (I use a half-recipe here). Meanwhile, you can prepare your filling.

Once ready, it's time to start rolling that dough. To keep it from drying out, work with just half of your dough at a time, keeping the rest wrapped tightly in plastic. Roll it out to just thinner than 1/16 of an inch—usually the second-to-last setting on your pasta machine. You may be tempted to roll it even thinner. Don't—you'll wind up with a less balanced ratio of filling to dough and, after boiling, a far less aesthetically appealing plate.

Ideally, the dough should be almost the full width of the pasta roller, between four and five inches across. When you've got the correct thickness, lay the dough out on a large, flat surface lightly dusted with flour (semolina flour is ideal, since it won't make your dough gummy if it gets moistened, but all-purpose is perfectly fine) and cut it in half. Each half portion of dough will make five ravioli.


On a large, lightly floured surface, use your cookie cutter (or can) to punch out as many circles as you can from your first piece of dough—you should be able to get 10, but don't worry if it's fewer. You can ball up any scraps and wrap them up to roll later.

Cover half of the circles with a towel to prevent them from drying out. Then, take your pastry bag and gently squeeze out a ring of filling approximately one and a half inches in diameter—you're basically making a cushioned support for your yolk, so rather than whipping out your measuring tape, just aim to make a yolk-sized hole in the center.

Then add a second ring of filling directly on top of the first one. You should be using a total of roughly one tablespoon of filling for each raviolo; the second ring should make the circle slightly taller than yolk height—about three-quarters of an inch. If you're able to move in a continuous loop and make a stunningly even tower of ricotta, great, you're a champion! But honestly, the one shown here was my only really pretty one; nobody's going to be able to tell once they're cooked.

A hand cradling an egg yolk with egg white in a white bowl in the background.

Serious Eats / Niki Achitoff-Gray

Continue adding your filling to the remaining four dough circles. Then, separate your first egg yolk by cracking it into your hand and allowing the white to drip between your fingers into a container. When only the intact yolk remains, gently slide it into the center of your filling.

Once your first five dough circles have their ricotta filling and yolks, you can uncover the other half of your circles—these will form the tops of your ravioli, so pair each empty circle with a filled one. Working one pair at a time, use your pastry brush to add a very light layer of water to the top round of dough. Then, lift it up and gently place it directly over the filled circle, wet side down. Slowly work your way around the circle, pressing and stretching the dough to make the edges meet. You want to press gently on the filling to remove any air bubbles, but do not press down on the center of the raviolo, or you'll break your yolk.

Assembling uovo in raviolo: eight empty dough circle stands in two lines, four filled with two layers of ricotta and an egg yolk, enclosed by the remaining dough circle.

Serious Eats / Niki Achitoff-Gray

Once you've made all five, you can move them to a lightly floured sheet of parchment paper and cover them with a kitchen towel to keep them from drying out. Then simply repeat the process with your remaining piece of dough. In all, you should be able to make about 10 ravioli. I like to serve two or three per person as a main course (though of course you could do a single one per person as an elegant appetizer for a party).

I usually start my sauce while I'm waiting for the water to come to a boil since it's a quick and easy recipe. I chop some pancetta and throw it in a pan over low heat to allow the fat to render and the pork to crisp up a bit. Meanwhile, I mince half a shallot. When the pancetta's cooked and there are browned bits sticking to the pan, I remove it with a slotted spoon and toss the shallots into the rendered fat. As soon as they start to smell fragrant, I pour in white wine to deglaze the pan and scrape up any browned bits with a spatula. Once the wine has reduced to a syrupy consistency, I take the pan off the heat and toss my pancetta back in. At this point, the pasta water is usually at a boil. Note that if you're making a full 10 ravioli, you'll want to make the sauce in two pans—fitting 10 into a single sauté pan is almost impossible, and a surefire way to burst a yolk.

To cook the ravioli, gently slide them into the water and lower the heat for a slow simmer. You don't want to agitate these guys too much. You want them to simmer for about a minute and a half, so as soon as they're in, I start melting butter in my skillet over low heat. When my timer goes off, I transfer the ravioli and some starchy pasta water to the pan, along with a squeeze of lemon juice, and gently swirl the pan until the butter and water have emulsified—about 30 more seconds. For the prettiest presentation, plate them and then garnish with a sprinkle of minced parsley.

And there you have it. The most extravagant fresh pasta recipe, with minimal effort. But don't listen to me; let that runny yolk do the talking.

March 2015

Recipe Details

Uovo in Raviolo (Runny Egg Yolk Ravioli) Recipe

Prep 45 mins
Cook 20 mins
Active 30 mins
Total 65 mins
Serves 4 servings


For the Ravioli:

  • 5 ounces fresh ricotta cheese (see notes)

  • 1 ounce freshly grated Parmesan cheese

  • Pinch freshly grated nutmeg

  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh juice from 1 lemon

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 1/2 recipe classic fresh egg pasta

  • 10 large eggs

For the Pan Sauce:

  • 2 ounces pancetta, roughly chopped, divided

  • 1 medium shallot, finely chopped, divided

  • 1/2 cup dry white wine, divided

  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided

  • 2 teaspoons fresh juice from 1 lemon, divided

  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley, for garnish


  1. For the Ravioli: Lay a clean kitchen towel or a triple layer of lint-free paper towels on a rimmed baking sheet. Spread ricotta evenly over surface of towels. Top with a second clean kitchen towel or triple layer of paper towels. Press with hands or a second rimmed baking sheet and let stand until excess moisture has been absorbed, 5 minutes. Transfer ricotta to a medium bowl (it should come right off the towels).

  2. Stir Parmesan cheese, nutmeg, and 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice into ricotta. Season to taste with salt and pepper. With a spoon, transfer filling into a pastry bag fitted with a 1/4-inch round tip or a zipper-lock bag with a 1/4-inch hole cut from a bottom corner. Refrigerate.

  3. Meanwhile, divide dough into 2 even sections. Working one section at a time, with remaining section tightly wrapped in plastic, roll dough through machine until sheet is just under 1/16 of an inch thick (typically second-to-last setting on roller). For a detailed description of this process, see steps 5 through 10 of our fresh pasta recipe. Cut sheet in half to create 2 pieces of dough roughly 15 inches long and 5 inches across.

    A sheet of fresh pasta being rolled out.

    Serious Eats / Niki Achitoff-Gray

  4. Lay dough sheets out on a lightly floured surface. Using a 3 1/2-inch round cookie cutter, cut out circles as close together as possible; you should have 10 rounds of dough from the 2 sheets (if you don't, re-roll dough scraps and cut more circles). Cover 5 of the dough rounds with a kitchen towel to keep moist and discard any remaining dough scraps.

    Rounds of ravioli dough

    Serious Eats / Niki Achitoff-Gray

  5. Use pastry bag to gently squeeze out a ring of filling approximately 1 1/2 inches in diameter onto each of the 5 uncovered dough rounds. Then pipe a second ring directly on top of each of the first ones.

    Piping a single layer of ricotta in ravioli dough round

    Serious Eats / Niki Achitoff-Gray


    Serious Eats / Niki Achitoff-Gray

  6. Working one at a time, separate 5 egg yolks from whites and gently slide yolk into center of ricotta fillings.

    Raw egg yolk in ricotta on ravioli dough round

    Serious Eats / Niki Achitoff-Gray

  7. Remove towel from the other 5 dough rounds, and, working one at a time and using a pastry brush dipped in water, very lightly wet the edge of each dough round. Set dough rounds on top of each raviolo, moistened-side down. Slowly working your way around each raviolo, press and stretch the top dough rounds to make the edges meet with bottom dough rounds. Press down gently on each filling to remove air bubbles, being careful not to press on yolks themselves, then press edges to seal. Transfer ravioli to floured parchment paper, cover with kitchen towel, and repeat Steps 3 through 7 with remaining portion of dough.

    Prepared ravioli

    Serious Eats / Niki Achitoff-Gray

  8. For the Pan Sauce: Bring unsalted water to a boil in a large pot. Meanwhile, in 2 large sauté pans, heat half of pancetta in each over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until fat is rendered and pancetta is lightly browned, about 4 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer pancetta to a plate. Add half of shallot to each pan and cook, stirring, for 30 seconds. Add half of wine to each pan and cook, scraping up any browned bits, until wine is almost completely evaporated, about 1 minute. Remove from heat and return pancetta to each pan.

  9. When water is boiling, gently slide ravioli into pot. Boil for 1 minute 30 seconds (ravioli will be slightly undercooked). Drain, reserving 1 cup pasta water. Meanwhile, return skillets pan to low heat and melt half of butter in each. Evenly divide lemon juice, pasta water, and ravioli between both skillets. Swirl pans gently to until sauce is emulsified, approximately 1 minute.

  10. Transfer 2 to 3 ravioli to each plate and spoon pan sauce on top. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.

    Cutting into finished ravioli

    Serious Eats / Niki Achitoff-Gray

Special Equipment

Pasta machine, 3 1/2-inch round cookie cutter, 2 large skillets


Look for a high-quality ricotta that contains no gums or stabilizers, such as Calabro. If stabilizer-free ricotta is not available, you can make your own using this technique.

Because these ravioli are large, it is necessary to finish the dish using two skillets, dividing the pan sauce ingredients and ravioli between them.

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Nutrition Facts (per serving)
Nutrition Facts
Servings: 4
Amount per serving
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 39g50%
Saturated Fat 18g90%
Cholesterol 570mg190%
Sodium 518mg23%
Total Carbohydrate 38g14%
Dietary Fiber 1g3%
Total Sugars 3g
Protein 30g
Vitamin C 4mg21%
Calcium 229mg18%
Iron 5mg26%
Potassium 456mg10%
*The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a food serving contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.
(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)

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