Veal Saltimbocca (Roman Sautéed Veal Cutlets With Prosciutto and Sage) Recipe

The best veal saltimbocca that'll ever jump into your mouth.

Daniel Gritzer
Daniel Gritzer
Editorial Director
Daniel joined the Serious Eats culinary team in 2014 and writes recipes, equipment reviews, articles on cooking techniques. Prior to that he was a food editor at Food & Wine magazine, and the staff writer for Time Out New York's restaurant and bars section.
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Updated May 17, 2023
Veal saltimbocca in pan sauce, garnished with fresh sage.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Why It Works

  • Pounding the veal tenderizes it and gives it an even thickness, which leads to even cooking.
  • Very quickly flipping the cutlets prosciutto-side down and then immediately back gives the cured meat just a kiss of heat—enough to intensify the prosciutto's flavor without turning it overly crisp and salty.
  • An optional splash of soy sauce adds depth and complexity to the pan sauce.

Saltimbocca. Translated from the Italian, it means "jumps in the mouth." I've long wondered why this Roman dish, of all Italian dishes, got that name. I can think of plenty of other Italian foods I'd sooner have leap from the plate into my expectant maw. A bowl of spaghetti ai ricci di mare, for instance, the noodles coated in a silky sea urchin sauce. Or a ball of burrata, freshly made and just sliced, its creamy center oozing out. Or, you know, meatballs.

I don't mean to disparage saltimbocca. What's not to like about sautéed veal cutlets, layered with prosciutto and fresh sage leaves, and bathed in a buttery, lemony sauce? But made poorly, as it sometimes is, the veal is tough, the prosciutto is too salty and crisp, and the sauce is greasy (or, even worse, watery). When prepared well, though, it can reach heights deserving of its moniker.

At its heart, it's relatively quick and easy to prepare. Getting a few key details right will definitely make it a dish you'll want to launch into your mouth.

Flat vs. Rolled Construction

The primary decision with saltimbocca is how to assemble it. I tried all the configurations I could think of, laid out flat and rolled up every which way. In the end, I decided that my preference is for the cutlets to be laid out flat with the sage and prosciutto layered on top.

I like this method for a few reasons. First off, the veal cooks through very quickly. Second, it's easy to judge when the cutlets are just cooked through, which can be more of a guessing game when they're rolled up (because such rolls are small, it's difficult to get a reliable reading on their internal temperature). Third, the flat construction guarantees that each bite delivers the most balanced combination of veal, sage, and prosciutto. Plus, its extra surface area means you get a better sear on more of the meat, which translates to better flavor overall.

The main downside to cooking the cutlets flat is that you're unlikely to fit four servings in a pan at once, forcing you to work in batches. Rolls, on the other hand, take up much less space and can be cooked in just one shot, a small but arguably worthwhile convenience (although even then, a single batch of rolls takes about as long as two batches of flat cutlets, due to their differences in thickness).

If you do get their doneness right, the rolls can be more tender and juicy throughout, since the interior of the meat roll is shielded from the intensity of direct heat. There's always going to be a trade-off here—you either get more of a sear on the veal, which delivers better flavor but also slightly more toughness, or less of a sear, which produces more tender veal that's also less flavorful. I'll take the flavor gain over a small decrease in tenderness any day, so it's an easy choice for me, but you may prefer the roll-style saltimbocca.

A 3-image collage of rolling flattened veal with fresh sage and prosciutto secured with toothpick.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

If you do roll your saltimbocca up, my recommendation is to roll the veal with one sage leaf wound up inside it, then put a second leaf on the exterior of the roll and wrap it all up in a slice of prosciutto; this helps add flavor to the center of the roll, which can otherwise be slightly bland. I prefer the flavor of these rolls to ones where the prosciutto and sage are wound up with the veal jelly-roll style—all that prosciutto and sage inside the roll ends up steamy and damp... no thanks.

No matter how you decide to assemble your saltimbocca, you'll want to pound the veal cutlets first. This tenderizes the meat and creates an even thickness that guarantees even cooking.

Next, you want to lightly salt the veal, keeping in mind that the prosciutto itself will help season the meat later on. For that reason, I sprinkle a little on just one side, leaving the prosciutto-facing side unsalted.

For the sage, try to choose the largest leaves you can from your bunch. If they're big enough, a single leaf can suffice for each cutlet, but if not, you may want two or three. I've noticed a significant variation in the intensity of sage's flavor from one bunch to the next, so that's something to consider as well: If your sage doesn't have a strong smell, you may want to add a little more, whereas if it has a pungent woodsy aroma, you may want to hold back slightly by using a smaller leaf in proportion to the cutlets.

Finally, lay the prosciutto on top and secure it with a couple toothpicks. I like using the prosciutto as the top layer since it helps hold the sage leaves in place, though you could flip it and put the sage on the outside.

The Starch

Most recipes have you dredge the cutlets lightly in flour, which helps enhance browning and also acts as a subtle thickener and emulsifier in the pan sauce you'll make after cooking the cutlets. I decided to try cornstarch as well, and found that I liked it more in this recipe—it creates a silkier pan sauce that works well with the tender veal and prosciutto. The differences are subtle, though, so if you only have flour, it's perfectly fine to use it.

When I arrange saltimbocca in flat layers, I only dredge the underside of the veal and not the prosciutto, since the prosciutto spends very little time pan-side down (I'll explain that below). When doing it roll-style, I dredge the entire roll lightly in the cornstarch, since all sides of the roll spend some time sizzling in the oil for even cooking.

The Sauté

Pan-frying pieces of saltimbocca in skillet.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

If you've ever eaten cooked prosciutto, you'll know that it can sometimes lose its appeal. The direct heat of sautéing can cause it to firm up and dry out, which risks making the prosciutto tough and unpleasantly salty as its flavor concentrates with the loss of moisture. As a consequence, some saltimbocca recipes have you sear the flat veal cutlets on the bottom side only, allowing the heat to drift up from below until the last traces of pink on top are gone, while leaving the prosciutto untouched.

I get the motivation behind this approach, but the effect ultimately doesn't work for me—the layers of veal, sage, and cured pork never really transcend their individual states when the prosciutto remains unchanged by heat. Instead of unifying the three components into something new, you instead end up with a cooked veal cutlet topped with some tepid sage and prosciutto. Why bother at all?

So if we don't want to frizzle the prosciutto to the point of it being overly dehydrated and salty, but we also don't want to leave it in its raw cured state, what's the solution? For me, it's simply a matter of giving the prosciutto a quick kiss of heat and absolutely nothing more, which I do by rapidly flipping each of the cutlets prosciutto-side down and then immediately flipping them back.

It's just enough time to send some heat into the prosciutto and sage, releasing their flavor. The sage grows more fragrant and the prosciutto takes on just enough salty attitude to actually do something beyond lazily reclining atop the cutlets.

The Pan Sauce

Once the cutlets are cooked, I transfer them to a platter and quickly make the pan sauce. First, I melt butter in the skillet and toss in a couple of sprigs of fresh sage, to infuse the sage flavor more fully into the sauce. Then I pour in dry white wine, stirring and scraping the bottom of the skillet to lift up any browned bits that are stuck to it—they help flavor the sauce.

The wine should come to a boil and reduce fairly quickly. Your goal is to get it to the point where the sauce is no longer thin and watery but instead emulsified and silky, thick enough to leave a trail on the bottom of the skillet when you drag a spoon across. This is a delicate balancing act: Right when the sauce reaches its perfect consistency, it's also mere seconds away from over-reducing and breaking into an oily pool. Don't panic if this happens; simply whisk in a tablespoon or two of water and the sauce should come back together.

Right when the sauce hits that perfect consistency, I add some fresh lemon juice, to taste. The sauce should have the perfect balance of buttery richness and acidic brightness.

As a final (optional) step, I whisk in a splash of soy sauce, which gives the sauce an extra dimension of depth and complexity. It's obviously not traditional, but I think it's a significant improvement. Of the various soy sauce options, my preference here is Japanese usukuchi (light) soy sauce, which has a saltier but less malty flavor. It blends into the final sauce the best, though regular dark soy sauce is also pretty subtle in such a small quantity.

Veal saltimbocca with pan sauce on a platter with fresh sage.

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

All that's left is to pour the sauce all over the cutlets and serve. Made this way, the saltimbocca is rich and flavorful, with just enough of a salty, tangy kick that you'll want it to not just jump into your mouth, but to launch itself there on the back of a booster rocket. But, please, remember to remove those toothpicks first.

January 2017

Recipe Details

Veal Saltimbocca (Roman Sautéed Veal Cutlets With Prosciutto and Sage) Recipe

Active 35 mins
Total 35 mins
Serves 4 servings


  • 8 veal cutlets (about 1 pound; 450g)

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 1 bunch fresh sage, divided (about 1/4 ounce; 7g)

  • 8 large, thin slices prosciutto (about 1/4 pound; 115g)

  • Cornstarch, for dredging (about 1/2 cup)

  • 3 tablespoons (45ml) extra-virgin olive oil, divided

  • 2 tablespoons (30g) unsalted butter

  • 1/3 cup (80ml) dry white wine

  • Fresh juice from 1 lemon, to taste

  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce (5ml), preferably usukuchi (light soy sauce) (optional; see note)


  1. Arrange cutlets on a work surface, cover with a sheet or two of plastic wrap, and pound each with a meat pounder or the bottom of a small heavy saucepan or skillet until no more than 1/4-inch thick throughout. Season lightly on one side only with salt and pepper.

    A 4-image collage of pounding out veal cutlet and layering on sage leaf and prosciutto.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  2. Flip veal cutlets so that the salted side is down. Pick eight of the largest sage leaves from your bunch and lay one in the center of each cutlet; if the sage leaves are small, use two per cutlet.

  3. Lay a slice of prosciutto on top of each cutlet, sandwiching the sage leaves flat between them. Using two wooden toothpicks per cutlet, fasten the prosciutto to the cutlets (the easiest way to do this is to push the toothpicks down through the prosciutto and just into the veal, then back up through the prosciutto again, much like fastening them together with a safety pin).

    A 3-image collage of securing prosciutto and sage leaves to flattened veal with toothpicks.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  4. Pour about 1/2 cup of cornstarch into a wide, shallow bowl. Dredge the underside of each prosciutto-topped cutlet in the cornstarch, shaking off the excess.

  5. In a large skillet or sauté pan, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil over high heat until shimmering. Add 4 of the cutlets, prosciutto-side up, and cook, swirling the pan occasionally, until the cutlets are lightly browned on the bottom and the last traces of pink are visible on top at the edges. Using a thin metal spatula, flip all of the cutlets prosciutto-side down, then flip them back immediately. Transfer to a clean platter. Lower heat at any time while cooking the cutlets to prevent burning.

    A 4-image collage of dredging saltimbocca in cornstarch and pan-frying in skillet, lifting a piece up with a fish spatula and flipping it.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  6. Add remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil to the skillet. Add remaining 4 veal cutlets and repeat as in Step 5, then transfer to the platter.

  7. Lower heat to medium-low and add butter and a few sprigs of sage to the skillet and cook until butter is melted. Add white wine. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring and scraping up any browned bits, then continue to cook, stirring and swirling constantly, until sauce is emulsified and slightly thickened (exact time can vary significantly depending on your skillet size and burner power; increase the heat at any time if it seems to be taking too long, or lower the heat if it's reducing too quickly).

    A 6-image collage illustrating stages of making pan sauce for saltimbocca: adding butter, sage leaves, wine, lemon juice, and light soy sauce.

    Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

  8. Season with salt and pepper, then stir in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Taste and add another teaspoon (or more) of lemon juice, if desired. Stir in soy sauce, if using. If the sauce breaks at any point, whisk in a tablespoon or two of water to bring it back together. Discard sage sprigs. Pour sauce all over veal cutlets and serve right away.

Special Equipment

Wooden toothpicks, meat pounder or small heavy saucepan or skillet, plastic wrap


Soy sauce is not traditional but it adds amazing depth and complexity to the pan sauce. If you have usukuchi (light) soy sauce, use that; it's saltier and less malty than regular dark soy, so it blends into the sauce excellently. If not, dark soy also works.

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Nutrition Facts (per serving)
Nutrition Facts
Servings: 4
Amount per serving
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 27g35%
Saturated Fat 8g41%
Cholesterol 116mg39%
Sodium 1226mg53%
Total Carbohydrate 39g14%
Dietary Fiber 2g7%
Total Sugars 2g
Protein 24g
Vitamin C 16mg80%
Calcium 71mg5%
Iron 3mg16%
Potassium 381mg8%
*The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a food serving contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.
(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)

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