A Virtual Tour of Kenji Alt's Food Lab Kitchen

J. Kenji López-Alt
Kenji Lopez Alt
Culinary Consultant
Kenji is the former culinary director for Serious Eats and a current culinary consultant for the site. He is also a New York Times food columnist and the author of The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science.
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Updated August 10, 2018

After the great tours we've been getting of the Serious Eats office, you asked for it, so here it is: a virtual tour of the Food Lab's kitchen.

If you're expecting fancy gear, lab coats, a sterile environment, and a multi-million dollar laboratory, I'd recommend you look elsewhere. As you'll see in these photos, I'm just a normal guy with a pretty normal kitchen, some nice (but still consumer-level) gear, and a couple of exceptionally cute taste-testers.

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